October 1, 2011

  • Alone Time

    I'm sitting on the floor of a house where seven college guys reside. Wearing my brothers' clothes. Alone. ... o_O

    Background story: I'm spending the night at my brother's place before shooting a wedding tomorrow. I have to admit I felt very out of place when I first showed up. His Bible Study had just ended and I walked into a house of thirty guys. Even if it was a co-ed group I would feel out of place because of my age. I awkwardly said hi to the large mass of boys and begged my brother to feed me because I was starving. He gave me a quick tour of the house and we left to get dinner.

    We returned after eating and within the next hour, all of his roommates left to go out and have fun. I keep forgetting it's Friday. It feels like a Thursday. My brother stuck around for a while (half-watched Glee with me) before gingerly asking if it was okay for him to go hang out too. lol. I could care less. I don't mind being alone and I wasn't really expecting him to entertain me. We get along well, but we're not close... so here I am chilling in his room on my laptop.

    Oh and I forgot to pack pajamas, so that's why I'm borrowing his. Odd situation right?

    I want to keep watching Glee but I should be editing photos/memorizing poses for tomorrow/editing more photos. I promised a couple I would be done with their wedding by tonight.

    Maybe I should take a shower too, while everyone is gone.

    It's been so long since I have updated consistently. :( There are so many things to write about... I wouldn't even know where to start. I guess this counts as a start!

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