August 23, 2011

  • Spare Cash

    My friend recently messaged me on fb requesting a product photo shoot this week. He said he had a "spare $100."

    I don't know if I'm grateful that he appreciates my work and values it enough to compensate me... or if I'm offended that he used the term "spare." I don't know.

    How would you feel?

    In other completely unrelated news, another friend of mine is studying to be a doctor and told me stories about abortions. Specifically the 33 procedures she witnessed as an intern. It actually made me feel sick to my stomach hearing about the baby that they wrapped in a towel and threw away... a baby with fingers and toes and eyes.

    Maybe it is related; both of these incidents didn't make me feel too great.

Comments (5)

  • Because you were raised with morals.

  • so glad to know that you value life. seem like when number of people keep increasing on earth, people don't seem to care about others anymore.  Life is important, every one of them. Bible does teach us that, but we should also know that ourselves.

    How many animals do abortion?

    Your friend's usage of "spare" might be part of his speech, don't be offended. 

  • One time my friend [the Man's sis-in-law] made me accompany her to the abortion clinic because her husband wouldn't go with her.  They were having problems and they both agreed to abort the baby, yet she went alone.  On the way there I tried to talk her out of it, but her mind was set and she was going through with it.  I felt sick to my stomach sitting in the lobby waiting for her procedure to be over so I could drive her home.  To this day, I still regret not being able to talk her out of it.  :/ 

  • Not sure if your friend was joking about that or not but yeah, I wouldn't feel too great about the way he said it either. Take his money though, your work is worth it and more :)

    I don't even want to think about abortions, it's so horrible to think someone would want to throw away a human life and there are people who will do it for them.

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